Essential exercises for a strong body even if you only have 10 minutes


People ask me all the time how I maintain my tone and definition as I age, especially in my arms! With the extremely busy schedule I have, I still make certain to do at least 10 minutes of Pilates every day... so on the days I have limited time, the following exercises are my secret to toned arms and legs, a flat tummy and a healthy back.

Warm-up Footwork

Improves circulation, stretches and strengthens legs; stabilises and realigns the pelvis.

  • Toes

  • Heels

  • Heel Lowers

  • V Position

Lying on the platform feet on foot bar, inhale and straighten your legs, exhale and bend your knees. Change foot position and repeat. (8 - 10 reps)

Add pulses to target the smaller stabilising muscles of the knees.

The Hundred

Improves lung capacity and strengthens abdominals.

Lying on the platform, hands in straps, arms extended to ceiling, head and shoulders lifted, lower arms to side. Inhale for 5 counts and exhale for 5 counts as you pump your arms up and down. (10 reps)

Legs in Straps

Stretches hip joint, hamstrings and lower back; strengthens the legs.

  • Leg Lowers

  • Leg Circles

  • Scissors

  • Frogs

Lying on the platform with feet in the straps, legs extended to the ceiling, inhale and lower legs to 45 degrees, exhale and lift. Circle legs in each direction. (8 - 10 reps) 

Arms in Straps

Stretches shoulder joint, opens the chest, stabilises the shoulder girdle; strengthens arms and chest

  • Bicep Curls

  • Chest Expansion

  • Hug a Tree

  • Arm Circles

Sitting on the platform hands in the straps. 


Stretches hamstrings, lower back and calves; strengthens abdominals and Pelvic Floor.

Standing on the platform, hands on the foot bar, Inhale and push platform out, exhale and pull it in lifting the tailbone to the ceiling. (8 - 10 reps)

Pelvic Tilt

Tightens and lifts the bum; flattens the tummy.

Lie on the platform, feet turned out on the corners of the foot bar. Lift tailbone 4 inches off the platform, keep waist down. Inhale and straighten your legs, exhale and bend your knees. (8-10 reps)


Cools down the entire body while stretching the achilles, calves and foot plantar.

Lying on the platform feet on the foot bar, inhale and straighten your legs, exhale and bend your knees. (8-10 reps)

Marjolein Brugman written by Marjolein Brugman

Marjolein Brugman is the founder of lighterliving and Aeropilates. “lighterliving is a movement and lifestyle choice we can all make. Let’s make it simple – make one decision a day to be better and watch the small steps lead to big changes. Eat smart, stay active, and you’ll live to feel a lighter life."