Weight loss made easier by AeroPilates

So many people struggle with their weight, trying every diet under the sun. In my life I have tried them all at one point or another. Grapefruit, cider vinegar, high protein, low carbohydrate, Zone, vegetarian, macrobiotic, fruitarian, raw food, whole food, or no food!

The only real way to lose weight is to create a deficit in the amount of calories you ingest compared to the amount of energy you expend but there is no hard rule as every human body is different with its own metabolic rate and energy use.

A calorie is the amount of energy it takes to heat one ounce of water one degree, and is the building block of all food. While there is a formula for weight loss every body experiences it differently..

A person can typically eat 13-15 calories per pound of weight per day, and every pound takes 3500 calories to build. In order to figure out your ideal daily caloric intake all you have to do is multiply your ideal weight by 13 if you are inactive and 15 if you are active.

Most exercise routines, whether on an elliptical, treadmill, bicycle, reformer or stepper, burn around 100 calories every 10 minutes. In all 4 Aeropilates studies we saw that Rebounding burns 1.5 times the calories of running on a treadmill.

My new revolutionary Cardio Rebounder is the same, although over time I have discovered that it is probably even more efficient. In all 4 Aeropilates studies we saw that rebounding burns 1.5 times the calories of running on a treadmill.

An injured foot, years ago made me turn to 30 minutes of daily rebounding instead of my normal 30 minute, three mile run. I lost an inch in my waist, flattened my stomach and lost two pounds, which for me was unusual.

It took about three days to get addicted to rebounding.

Today I jump for 40 minutes. It is fun, energising, and profoundly different in that the impact is minimal and the support enormous. Jumping on Heavy resistance gets the heart rate up very quickly, medium is less on the legs and light is heavy on the abs. I vary my routine: heavy for 10 minutes, medium for 20 minutes and light for the last 10 minutes. I change from one foot at a time to both feet and alter the way in which my feet land from parallel to internal or external rotation. I also play with my legs in the air doing kicks and scissors until I feel like I am dancing. The time flies by, and yet the workout is intense.

Be sure to check with your doctor before you begin any exercise or weight-loss regimen, but once you do let me know all your success stories and contact us if you have any questions.

Marjolein Brugman written by Marjolein Brugman

Marjolein Brugman is the founder of lighterliving and Aeropilates. “lighterliving is a movement and lifestyle choice we can all make. Let’s make it simple – make one decision a day to be better and watch the small steps lead to big changes. Eat smart, stay active, and you’ll live to feel a lighter life."