Dodgy knees and other restrictions? Here are the modifications

Modification is an essential element of AeroPilates reformer training. Simple modifications allow you to make an exercise more or less difficult, or adjust it to compensate for any physical limitations you may have.

Laying on your reformer with your shoulders entered on the shoulder pads, your feet centered on the foot bar and your spine in neutral will go a long way toward making your workout safer and more effective.


The importance of the Warm_Up Footwork to begin your workout cannot be overemphasised. This routine strengthens the lower body, focusing on the small stabilising knee muscles and reeducationg you how to initiate movement from the abdominal muscles all the while keeping the pelvis stable through out.


Many people are unable to cross their legs nor kneel. In the Arm exercises it is slightly more challenging but very effective to sit with even weight on both sit bones and both legs stretched straight out in front. You may need to reduce the resistance and it is helpful to lean the upper body forward slightly from the hips. Avoid all kneeling exercises if a padded surface does not remove the pain.


It is very important to become aware of your head placement as it is heavy and requires neck strength. In exercises like the Hundred where you are asked to raise your head you should think of your head as a natural extension of your spine and refrain from breaking at the neck by letting it drop bock nor tucking the chin by pulling it forward. Until, the neck muscles strengthen it is best to leave the head down on the head rest. If you have neck or lower back issues the Head and Neck Support pillow is a marvellous accessory.


Like your head, your arms are heavy. The further from your body they are, the more challenging the exercise. It is easier on your neck and shoulders if you focus on the work initiating from the shoulder blades when ever the arms are challenged. This will employ the correct back muscles to initiate the movement and relieve the shoulders. In exercises like Bicep Curl and Rotator Cuff pulls pulling the elbow into your body will alleviate additional strain on the shoulder.


Lower back weakness and core weakness go hand in hand but rest assured the abdominals strengthen quickly. In exercises like the Hundred where the legs are unsupported and outstretched into the air the abdominals must do all the work. Modifying your leg placement can help. At first you can place your feet on the bar and bend your knees. As you get stronger you can lift the legs into chair position but if your back starts to arch bring your knees into your chest. The same is true when legs are extended and too low. It is far better to work with the legs a little higher, develop the abdominal strength that will protect your back, then start to workout with the legs held lower.and then lift to 90 degrees and finally lower them to 45 degrees.


Many people have tight hamstrings that don't allow them to sit up comfortably with even weight on both sit bones and legs straight out. An easy way to work tight hamstrings in sitting exercises is to put a small lift under the hips. A folded towel or a foam wedge works well for this. One can also bend the knees slightly.


Wrist pain is very common, especially as we age. In all exercises with weight bearing on the wrists it is important to have thumbs and fingers on the same side of the bar. This will correct the wrist/elbow/shoulder alignment. There are great little gloves that add padding to the heel of the hand or In many cases, a foam wedge or folded pilates rubber pad under the heel of the hand will take enough pressure off the wrist joint to make weight-bearing exercises easier for those with wrist pain.


Most reformers have resistance ranging from Xtra Light to Heavy. Somewhere in the middle is the right level to begin: not too challenging for the mobilising muscles as well as the abdominals. When you begin to add resistance the mobilising muscles of the arms and legs are challenged . Be sure to maintain total control over the movement both as you slide in and out. Reducing the resistance begins to challenge the core so in lessening the resistance be careful to protect the lower back.

Marjolein Brugman written by Marjolein Brugman

Marjolein Brugman is the founder of lighterliving and Aeropilates. “lighterliving is a movement and lifestyle choice we can all make. Let’s make it simple – make one decision a day to be better and watch the small steps lead to big changes. Eat smart, stay active, and you’ll live to feel a lighter life."