Illness and pain stems from deep seated emotions that can be cleared.

Healing Codes provide a simple yet powerful way to overcome negative emotional and physical pain. As a trained Healing Codes practitioner we can work together to release the hidden negative memories and beliefs that often originate in childhood but continue to manifest pain and suffering later in life.

During the session you will feel tremendous relief and relaxation. After a few days you may notice changes in your mood, energy levels, and an enhanced sense of inner peace. It’s as if all heaviness of heart is slowly lifted to allow more joy, optimism and health.

Whenever we experience a trauma, be it physical or emotional, we store that memory in our cells. As we age these sub conscious memories trigger stressful hormonal reactions known as “fight and flight”. Most of us live in a chronic state of adrenal overload and we either compensate or totally suppress them. This is what ages the body and eventually makes you sick..

Healing Codes appear to heal all problems because they propose that the root of every issue is the stress stored in the body unconsciously from previous ugly experiences.

It was the success of my own healing through the codes that inspired me to become a coach.

The Healing Code was originated by Dr Alex Loyd to help his wife reduce her depression and sense of hopelessness, unchanged by years of more traditional therapies.

Our session takes about 45 minutes. We begin by establishing the most relevant emotional feeling, frustration with a person, illness or malady.

We then say an intentional prayer asking for fast and deep healing.

I pray that all known and unknown negative memories, beliefs and feelings related to my current physical, mental or spiritual issue be released and healed in record time, efficiently and with ease, so that I am filled with love, light and joy”.

We then establish a positive Truth Statement and reframe the original trauma with a perfectly imagined scenario incorporating all 5 senses; sight, sound, smell, feeling and touch.

I create the perfect Code and using the energy in the ends of your fingers directed at the 4 energy centres we perform the Code for about 6 minutes. Immediately you will feel the stress leave your body and a sense of peace and calm ensues. When practiced daily, over time, you will experience profound healing on all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels; permanently.

There are 4 healing centres:

BRIDGE : spot over the third eye in between the eyebrows and over the bridge of the nose. It represents the master Pituitary Gland which controls our hormones and endocrine system.

ADAM’S APPLE : exactly over the Adams Apple. This represents the spinal cord, nervous system and thyroid

JAW : on either side of the face at the jaw. This represents the emotional brain, amygdala and central nervous system

TEMPLES : on either side of the head at the temples. This represents the hypothalamus and right and left sides of the brain.

There is a Universal Code which can be used for any issue at any time. If you scroll through the 4 centres in that order; B, AA, J, T for 30 seconds each for 6 minutes while saying a Truth Statement and imagining happiness you can overcome most problems over time. In our customised session with a specially prescribed Code your healing is faster and deeper.

The Truth Statement is said audibly at first, may be recorded on your phone and listened to or said silently. It works to break through and remove from your heart the inhibitors to healing which are

Unforgiveness of self and others

Harmful actions that you do even though you know they are bad

Negative Beliefs usually established in childhood

We will together create your perfect Truth Statement but the following are some universal ones that I find helpful. You may choose one that feels relevant.

“I am free of the past and readily forgive myself, God and others”

“I am free and let go of the need to control”

“I trust in the process of life and know that I am protected and safe”

“I am loveable, I am forgiven, I am valuable, I am safe, I love my life, I trust myself”

“I am worthy and love myself”

Dr Loyd says that true healing occurs when you feel the following virtues.

Love: “I love unconditionally especially myself”
Joy: “I am allowed to feel joyful”
Peace: “I enjoy the present moment and trust that the future is unfolding perfectly”
Patience: “Everything is exactly as it should be”
Kindness: “I treat others as I wish to be treated, with respect and gentleness”
Goodness: “I trust that I know what is right”
Trust: “I am safe and cared for”
Humility: “I accept human limitations and try not to judge”
Self-control: “I take care of myself because I love myself”

In order to benefit from your Healing Code session it is important to drink water and eat some protein before the session and come to the session with an open heart, willing and ready to recognise your pain, talk about it and finally let it go.  

We all have memories in our lives that bring up negative feelings like anger, sadness, fear, confusion, guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness… the list is endless. You know how when you recall a certain situation in life that was very painful, you can actually feel it in your body? You bring the image to mind, and immediately you can feel the effects in your body, the anger, rage, betrayal or other heavy feelings. We can often feel them as a physical sensation. That’s because recalling the ‘destructive cellular memory’ has immediate physical effects on the body.

Should you be interested in learning more about Healing Codes I invite you to read Dr.Loyd’s book and if I can be of service I would be honored to work with you.

Marjolein Brugman written by Marjolein Brugman

Marjolein Brugman is the founder of lighterliving and Aeropilates. “lighterliving is a movement and lifestyle choice we can all make. Let’s make it simple – make one decision a day to be better and watch the small steps lead to big changes. Eat smart, stay active, and you’ll live to feel a lighter life."